The 100 series front and top reading compasses have three yellow lubber lines and an apparent scale size of 100 mm. The two side view lubber lines at 45° offset allow easy reading and also allow for mounting the compass to one side of the steering position.
102B/H has a 100 mm capsule. The cradle is gimballed and a heeling angle scale is displayed on the front. The optional compensator is easy to fit in a holder under the detachable front.
Key Features
- Big digits -easy to read at distance
- Wheelmark / Lifeboat approved
- Top quality/accuracy relation
- Big full cover
- Template matches Contest 101 and 100
- All UV resistant materials
- Capsule filled with UV resistant liquid
- No transparent capsule – eliminates burn effect
- Two axis gimballs
- Heeling scale
- Edge scale with big digits
- Two lubber lines at 45° – allows for reading from the rail
- Built-in red illumination – for best contrast at night
- 102B/H is equipped with a heeling angle scale and illumination